Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bakhara marketplace Essay Example for Free

Bakhara marketplace Essay Siad Barre’s rule was oppressive and divisive. Once an intelligence officer of the Italian fascists, he pitted clans against each other as a diversion from his decreasing popularity. Due to the strategic location of Somalia at the entrance to the Red Sea, it became of interest to both the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War. By 1966 Soviet Union became a supporter of Somalia and this would go on for 10 years. It supplied the country millions worth of arms and military equipment. But a territorial conflict between Somalia and Ethiopia in 1977 over the annexation of the Ogaden region of Ethiopia which is believed to be part of Greater Somalia saw a shift of support by the Soviet Union to Ethiopia which strained the relationship of the two countries. Siad Barre renounced their Treaty of Friendship and Cooperation, expelled all Soviet advisers, and ejected all Soviet personnel from Somalia. Barre then switched alliance with the United States. It supplied him with a total of $154 million worth of weapons and military equipment from 1981-1991. In this decade, Somalia descended into chaos with the continued warring clans. An insurgent group formed by the Hawieyah clan, the United Somali Congress, ousted Siad Barre from power in January 1991. Internal disputes led to a power vacuum and Somalia plunged into civil war. Two different faction leaders within the United Somali Congress announced their claims to power: Ali Mahdi Mohammed and Mohammed Farah Aidid. â€Å"It was this war, coupled with bad harvests, which led to the horrifying scenes of starvation that were televised around the world in 1992. By the end of 1992 about 350,000 Somalis had died. Another 1. 5 million, close to one-fourth of the remaining population, were thought to be in danger of starvation without massive food aid. â€Å" Somalia’s plight attracted international food aid. The United Nations launched Operation Provide Relief (UNOSOM – I) in August 1992 for Somalia. But the mission failed in their objective because food and supplies were often stolen and utilized as leverage for securing loyalty from clan leaders while almost three hundred thousand Somalis died of starvation. In December 1992, responding to the United Nations’ call for assistance, President George Bush obtained an approval from the U. N. that the United States combat troops lead an intervention force to Somalia. This was the famous Operation Restore Hope whose initial objective was to secure trade routes in Somalia so food could get to the people. The deployed troops would be sent home in time for then President Bill Clinton’s inauguration. Shortly upon his assumption of office, President Clinton intended to trim down U. S. troops in Somalia to be substituted by the United Nations peacekeeping troops. UNOSOM II was launched in March 1993 to restore order, improve infrastructure, and to help set up a representative government as part of its â€Å"nation building† mission in Somalia. During the inspection of Somali weapons storage site on June 5, 1993, 24 Pakistani soldiers were killed and it was believed that Aidid was responsible. The hunt for Aidid followed. Several military operations were done from June 12 to 16 in relation to Aidid’s capture including bombing a house in the capital, Mogadishu, where clan leaders were gathering. Four Western journalists investigated the scene but were beaten to their deaths by Somalis. By August 1993, four U. S. military police were killed and six soldiers were wounded. Then Task Force Ranger consisted of 440 elite troops from Delta Force led by General William Garrison flew into Mogadishu with the mission to capture Aidid. On that fateful October 3, 1993 the group raided the Olympia Hotel in Mogadishu. What followed was a seventeen-hour urban battle where eighteen U. S. soldiers were killed and eighty-four were wounded. Unfortunately, the Olympia Hotel was located east of the crowded Bakhara marketplace. Hundreds of Somalis were part of the casualties. However, the mission led to the capture of three important Aidid senior officers and about twenty Aidid supporters hiding within. News stories flashed and printed by the international media showed â€Å"chilling pictures of dead and captured Americans†, â€Å"television footage on CNN showed a frightened, wounded Blackhawk helicopter pilot†¦under interrogation by his Somali captors†, â€Å"Somalis watching as the body of an unidentified American was dragged through the streets at the end of a rope. † Bakhara marketplace. (2017, May 13).

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Describing myself in terms of the 5 factor model Essay

Describing myself in terms of the 5 factor model - Essay Example Each human being has different and unique personality traits. Psychologists usually take tests to find out the personality type. These tests contain a list of objective questions that find out the behavior, insight, opinion and reaction of human beings in different situations. It finds out the way human being differ with each other in their enduring emotional, interpersonal, experiential, motivational and attitudinal style. According to the answers provided in the test, a score is calculated for every personality dimension and seen in respect of general population. (McCrae & Oliver , 2006) I also took the IPIP Personality test online from and found out my results. Let's look at each of the five factor model according to my personality and then match my take on these with the results of the test. OPENNESS: Openness to experience relates to one's flexibility to new ideas and openness to change. It signifies that the person welcomes and accepts new ideas, experiences, people, thoughts and situations. People who are 'open to experience' usually appreciate arts, science, music, emotions, and adventure. They tend to be very imaginative, creative, and like to have a variety of different experiences. They are less conservative and stick more to traditional ways. They are usually suspicious about newer ideas and are not comfortable with abstract thoughts and ideas. I think I am slightly more 'open to experience' than general people. I love creativity and new experiences. Throughout my school life, I have been involved in various different experiences. I have participated in debates, I have studied psychology and have taken huge interest in studying business as well, I have been in sports and I am also into reading. This all combines to make me a person with diverse set of experiences. I am thrilled by newer ideas. Whenever I take up a project, I look for creative and out-of-the-box ideas. I believe that one thing can be done in seve ral ways and I always give it a try. I love to travel and go on adventures. Although I am a little afraid of heights but the idea of mountain climbing, hiking and adventurous sports thrill me. Sometimes I hold back due to fear but then I try to calm myself and give these things a go. It is because I love to have thrill and excitement in my life. My being openness to change however does not mean that I do not stay with my traditional values. I am a firm believer of my religion and I like sticking to rules. I like adventure and new ideas but only if they do not contradict with my beliefs. For example I like to have thrill in my life but I would never break rules to do so. I also enjoy the traditional events and festivals with the people around me. My Results: "My result for Openness to Experience is average, indicating that I enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. My thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others I appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellec tual." My score is 41. The result signifies that I have an average Openness to experience or change. This is slightly different from what

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Management in context Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Management in context - Essay Example 1).† I have noted that the explanation presented by the author for the unique theory makes it all common sense in management practice. I find the author’s labels on the third theory as a proactive one suitable, because it brings up a new way of establishing the link. I concur with the author that in management practice, accumulated academic knowledge can be used as an engagement tool rather than applied as a theory. Case studies are used to expose how a proactive theory can work when managers engage academic knowledge within their management practice activities to improve their performance (Ghoshal, 2005; pg. 1). The case studies shows how scholarship applied together with academic theory in the management practice of inquiry is relational and provides opportunities for evidence based management. The implication of my observations is in relation to the fact that using a proactive approach in management practice creates a link between academic theory and relational skills of managers. Surprises in JA 2 The author has taken an in – depth analysis of how the application of management theories affects organizations business culture. I can observe that according to the author, business schools have enhanced the development of such management theories. ... am surprised with the author’s comments that academic research, which studies the conduct of organizations and management, has generated serious negative effects on the practice of management. I am also surprised that the author seems to be suggesting that graduates from business schools lack common sense of moral responsibility. The author has used the pretense of knowledge and the application of system – based gloomy vision to explain his assertions (Ramsey, 2011; pg. 82). The observations I have made in this article has serious implications in relation to the belief that business schools ought to teach excellent management theories and should not be blamed for negative aspects of business culture. The Evidence The author has used Mike’s learning and Kieran is learning to show the application of academic theory within management practices. The two articles show three elements of academic theory when engaged in management practice (Ramsey, 2011; pg. 12). The ele ments revealed in the learning’s include â€Å"an engagement with ideas, a practice of inquiry, and an emphasis on moment-by-moment relating within practice (Ramsey, 2011; pg. 23)†. The writer has used suggestions from other authors to show that the most significant aspect of this link pertains to the place of the evidence that is applied in the academic theory. The writer quotes other authors to strengthen his arguments for the application of evidence-based management. This management approach places decision-making initiatives on evidence that can be gathered and assessed. The author argues that action analysis tool known as Provocative Theory Cycle of Inquiry is critical to the engagement approach in the practice of management. The author has presented information that the pretense of knowledge