Thursday, February 13, 2020

Describing myself in terms of the 5 factor model Essay

Describing myself in terms of the 5 factor model - Essay Example Each human being has different and unique personality traits. Psychologists usually take tests to find out the personality type. These tests contain a list of objective questions that find out the behavior, insight, opinion and reaction of human beings in different situations. It finds out the way human being differ with each other in their enduring emotional, interpersonal, experiential, motivational and attitudinal style. According to the answers provided in the test, a score is calculated for every personality dimension and seen in respect of general population. (McCrae & Oliver , 2006) I also took the IPIP Personality test online from and found out my results. Let's look at each of the five factor model according to my personality and then match my take on these with the results of the test. OPENNESS: Openness to experience relates to one's flexibility to new ideas and openness to change. It signifies that the person welcomes and accepts new ideas, experiences, people, thoughts and situations. People who are 'open to experience' usually appreciate arts, science, music, emotions, and adventure. They tend to be very imaginative, creative, and like to have a variety of different experiences. They are less conservative and stick more to traditional ways. They are usually suspicious about newer ideas and are not comfortable with abstract thoughts and ideas. I think I am slightly more 'open to experience' than general people. I love creativity and new experiences. Throughout my school life, I have been involved in various different experiences. I have participated in debates, I have studied psychology and have taken huge interest in studying business as well, I have been in sports and I am also into reading. This all combines to make me a person with diverse set of experiences. I am thrilled by newer ideas. Whenever I take up a project, I look for creative and out-of-the-box ideas. I believe that one thing can be done in seve ral ways and I always give it a try. I love to travel and go on adventures. Although I am a little afraid of heights but the idea of mountain climbing, hiking and adventurous sports thrill me. Sometimes I hold back due to fear but then I try to calm myself and give these things a go. It is because I love to have thrill and excitement in my life. My being openness to change however does not mean that I do not stay with my traditional values. I am a firm believer of my religion and I like sticking to rules. I like adventure and new ideas but only if they do not contradict with my beliefs. For example I like to have thrill in my life but I would never break rules to do so. I also enjoy the traditional events and festivals with the people around me. My Results: "My result for Openness to Experience is average, indicating that I enjoy tradition but are willing to try new things. My thinking is neither simple nor complex. To others I appear to be a well-educated person but not an intellec tual." My score is 41. The result signifies that I have an average Openness to experience or change. This is slightly different from what

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